Will moth balls keep moles away

I’ve heard old wives’ tales that placing moth balls in your garden can deter moles. Does anyone have experience with this?

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I’ve tried it before, but it didn’t seem to have any long-term effects. I think moles just get used to the smell eventually.

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You’re right, Nancy. Moth balls can act as a short-term deterrent, but moles will likely adapt. Plus, they’re not the most environmentally friendly solution out there.

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Actually, I’ve found that mixing moth balls with other repellents can enhance overall effectiveness. It’s all about creating an unwelcome environment for the moles.

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That’s an interesting approach, Sam. Are there any specific combinations you’d recommend?

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Forget moth balls; they’re toxic to the soils and plants! Better to use natural repellents like castor oil. It works wonders and is safe for your garden.

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