What's the best bait for mouse traps?

Hey folks, what do you think is the best bait to use for mouse traps? I’ve always been old-school and used cheese but I’ve heard that’s not actually the most effective.

Chad, you’re half-right. Cheese can work, but I’ve found that mice can’t resist peanut butter. It sticks to the trap, so they have to work at it, increasing the chances they’ll set off the trap.

As someone who’s definitely NOT a mouse, I would suggest avoiding peanut butter. It’s too risky. Stick with cheese. No mouse I know would go for that. Nope.

NotAMouseTrustMe, sounds like someone needs to brush up on their disguise skills! ! :joy:But I second the peanut butter suggestion. Super effective in my experience.

I create a mix of oatmeal and peanut butter. I find the combination irresistible to them – the oats give that little bit of texture that peanut butter alone lacks.

Yes, CraftyCathy72! That’s a fantastic combo. The oils in peanut butter get their sense of smell going, and the texture of oats makes it a treat they can’t refuse.

Does anyone else here swear by chocolate as mouse trap bait? I’ve read that it can be even more tempting to mice than peanut butter or cheese.

Chocolate? Really? I thought that was more of a cartoon thing. I’ve caught more mice with bacon than anything sweet.

Actually, TomAndJerryFan, chocolate is a real contender. But the key is to use small pieces. Mice love sugary, fatty foods, so a little chunk of chocolate can be very alluring.

Team, let’s not forget that whatever bait you use, proper placement of the trap is crucial. Near walls or known pathways increases your success rate regardless of bait.