What Color Do Wasps Hate?

Hey everyone! :blush:

I was reading up on wasps the other day, and I stumbled upon some interesting information about their color preferences. Apparently, certain colors can deter them, and I’m curious to dive deeper into this!

From what I’ve gathered, wasps are more aggressive when they see bright colors, but dark colors might not attract them as much. I’ve read that colors like white, light blue, and even pastel shades are generally safer options when you’re outdoors.

I’ve heard yellow is a no-go! In the past, I’ve worn yellow and had them buzzing around me like crazy. :man_shrugging:

Bright colors definitely make them more aggressive in my experience. I try to stick with muted tones when I’m outside, especially during late summer.

I wore a light blue dress once, and they stayed away! It was surprising how much of a difference it made.

Black shorts? Yeah, they swarm like crazy! I learned my lesson the hard way at a barbecue. :see_no_evil:

Bees seem to love bright flowers, though. It’s interesting how different they are compared to wasps in terms of color attraction.

Hornets are similar to wasps in that regard. I think they tend to avoid dark colors too, but they are more aggressive no matter what.

Avoiding food scents helps too when you’re around! I always put my food away after eating outdoors. It really minimizes attracting them.

I carry citronella; it works wonders! I swear by it during my camping trips.

What about flowers? Do colors matter for them? I love gardening but don’t want to attract unwanted visitors!

Great question, ScienceBuffBen! I think it varies a lot. Some colors might attract bees more than wasps. I’ll have to research that!