Hey everyone, I’m new to having pets and I’m trying to understand what might attract fleas to my dog. Is it just being outdoors, or is there something more specific?
It’s not just being outdoors, @PetOwnerPaul ! Fleas can be attracted to pets by warmth, vibration, and exhaled carbon dioxide. That’s why they’re often waiting to jump on a nice warm host.
@KittyWhispererKat right, but it’s also worth mentioning they love areas with a lot of pets or wildlife. If there are lots of hosts to choose from, you’ll find more fleas.
No one mentioned it, but humidity is super important. Fleas need high humidity to survive and thrive.
Sorry for the double post, forgot to mention, by high humidity, I mean anything above about 50%.
Frequent vacuuming can help. It can remove any fleas before they set up shop!