How to Keep Foxes Away from Your Chickens During the Day

Originally published at: How to Keep Foxes Away from Your Chickens During the Day - Thanos Home


Raising chickens can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with the responsibility to protect these feathered friends from natural predators.

Foxes, known for their cunning and agility, are particularly notorious for preying on chickens during the day when most people assume they’re safe.

This article aims to provide you with a suite of strategies to help ensure the safety of your chickens from these sly intruders.

Understanding the Predator

Foxes are intelligent, adaptable, and can be quite brazen in their quest for food.

Understanding the behavior of foxes is crucial. They are primarily nocturnal but won’t pass up an easy meal during daylight if the opportunity arises.

Knowing that your chickens are such an opportunity, let’s explore how you can protect them.

Fortifying the Chicken Coop

Your chicken coop is the first line of defense. Location is key—place your coop in a clear, open area where foxes cannot sneak up unnoticed.

Use sturdy materials for construction, and don’t forget about the foundation—foxes can dig.

Incorporate secure locks that cannot be easily tampered with by clever paws.

Creating a Fox-Proof Outdoor Environment

While a sturdy coop is essential, protecting the surrounding environment is equally important. High fences buried deep into the ground can deter digging, and electric fences can provide an additional layer of security.

Covering the run with netting can prevent foxes from entering from above, and certain plants can act as natural repellents due to their smell.

Natural Fox Deterrents

Scent can be a strong deterrent for foxes. Commercial scent repellents or even human urine can be effective in marking territory.

Unpredictable noises such as a radio or ultrasonic devices can also discourage foxes.

Additionally, some animals like dogs or geese can serve as guardians, their presence alone warding off potential predators.

The Importance of Vigilance

No matter the precautions taken, regular checks are essential to ensure the integrity of your defenses.

Look out for signs of attempted entry or disturbance around the coop and run.

Promptly addressing any weaknesses will reinforce your chicken’s safety.

Complementary Strategies

Limit Free-Ranging

  • Limiting the time chickens spend free-ranging can significantly reduce the risk of fox attacks. Create a routine where chickens are only allowed to roam under supervision or during specific hours when fox activity is known to be less.
  • Implement a ‘chicken curfew’ by training them to return to the coop at a certain time before the evening or whenever you’re unable to supervise.

Landscaping to Deter Foxes

  • Use landscaping to your advantage by planting dense shrubbery or thorny plants around the perimeter of your chicken area, which can act as a natural barrier to foxes.
  • Maintain a clear zone around the coop and run. Foxes prefer cover to hide their approach, so a clear area can discourage them from coming too close.

Employing Technology

  • Consider installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers, which can startle and scare off a fox that triggers them.
  • Use surveillance cameras to monitor for fox activity. This can help you identify and patch up potential weak spots in your defenses.

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Community Efforts

  • Engage with your neighbors to create a community watch program for predators. Shared efforts can include reporting sightings of foxes and working together to secure multiple backyard flocks.
  • Participate in or organize workshops on building a predator-resistant chicken coop and share knowledge about fox behavior.

Regular Maintenance and Updates

  • Inspect your coop and fencing regularly for signs of wear and tear, potential entry points, or digging. Immediate repairs can prevent foxes from exploiting vulnerabilities.
  • Stay updated on the latest in fox deterrents and innovations in coop design. As predators adapt, so should your strategies for protection.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Understand the local wildlife protection laws and ensure that all measures taken to protect your chickens are legal and humane.
  • Consider non-lethal methods as your primary go-to solutions, and consult with wildlife experts for ethical and effective practices.


Protecting your chickens from foxes during the day requires a multi-faceted approach, including understanding fox behavior, reinforcing the coop and surrounding area, employing natural deterrents, maintaining vigilance, and implementing complementary strategies.

By combining these strategies, you can create a safer environment for your flock.