How to get mice out of your walls?

Originally published at: How to get mice out of your walls? - Thanos Home


Mice are often found living in hidden areas within the home.

These might include wall interiors, attics, and storage boxes. They can also fit through tiny openings in foundations and walls.

It becomes hard to get rid of mice once they find their way into homes in many cases. We say this because those that stay within the walls rarely leave their hideout during the day.

However, their presence is easily noticeable in the night by their clawing and gnawing sounds.

Before deciding on the best ways to get rid of mice, homeowners must first ascertain that they really have a mice infestation.

We shall get into how to tell if you have mice in your homes very shortly.
But seeing mice droppings are the most obvious sign of mice infestation.

After confirming that you have mice in your house, the next thing is to find safe ways to get rid of them.

Let’s get into it.

How Do I Know If There Are Mice in My Walls?

There should be no worry of a mouse infestation in an ideal world – in the form of scratching, scurrying, or squeaking – within the walls.

However, this is not a perfect world, and there is a chance that you will hear some scratchy sounds of a regular house mouse at any point in time.

Besides this, you might also perceive their presence by seeing things like black droppings, oily marks on the house’s walls, nasty smells, or marks on objects.

Generally, mice prefer to stay at the darkest, vacant parts of your home, including air ducts, wall cavities, and similar parts of your home.

Besides this, they usually hide during the day. This makes it harder to spot or control their presence when they invade your home.

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To worsen the matter, many times, mice entry points are always hard to detect.

However, here is a broad outlook of the signs that helps you tell if you have a possible mouse problem:

  • Sounds, including rusting or scratching, in the walls or under floorboards.
  • Tiny holes in cardboard boxes, old fabric, or food containers.
  • Droppings that resemble small or dark seeds
  • Strange ammonia-like odors
  • Any form of nests made of tender, shredded materials in relatively secluded areas of your home. These include under the cabinets, behind appliances, in basements, and more.
  • Tail and feet tracks were found on dusty floors.

You can look around for signs like these anywhere you store your food.
But, it does not stop there.

You can also inspect floorboards in basements, lofts, cellars, and other secluded areas.

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How do mice get in my home?

Your home must not necessarily be dirty, sordid, or rundown before you can suffer from mice infestation.

Usually, when the temperature outdoors goes down – during the winter, for instance – these rodents can seek shelter, food, or warmth by looking for entry points in buildings or homes.

Often, gaps and holes around windows, small cracks in the foundation, and doors can become entry points for these rodents.

Can Mice Climb Walls?

This is another important question most homeowners ask themselves. It is safe to affirm that mice are good climbers.
Once the texture is rough enough, they can move up a vertical surface easily.

A mouse can also jump as high as 18 inches and find its way through tiny holes and cracks. This makes them quite hard to get rid of.

Now the signs discussed above looks like the one you’re experiencing in your home, you might be wondering how you can remove mice from your home.

Well, the next sections contain everything you need to eliminate mice from your property.

How do you get rid of mice in walls and ceilings?

You might hear something that sounds like feet scurrying around the interior of walls or ceilings in your house.

When that happens, you can position snap traps or glue traps along the edges of your walls and other places where they are likely to pass.

Another way to get rid of mice is to use poisons.
While poison works, it might not be the best option to kill mice.

We say this because the effects might not be immediate, and they could have time to run off into the walls before dying, leaving a messy, smelly odor that might prove difficult to get rid of.

Instead of that, we recommend to use 360 Degree Mouse Ultrasonic Repellent from Thanoshome.
Using powerful attack waves, the Thanos® 360 Degree Ultrasonic Mouse Repellent will help you get rid of mice, rats, squirrels, and other pests quickly and effectively.

This cutting-edge device uses sound waves of different lengths to drive all types of rodents and other unwanted pests away from your home.

And the best part is it does this humanely without killing them.

How Do You Remove Mice From Walls?

It is often said that once a mouse is spotted, there is likely to be more than one within the home.

It could be that mice are finding their way into your house via gaps and getting trapped inside wall cavities.

Whatever their entry points may be, here are quick steps that could prove very helpful:

  • Drill a hole – the size of a nickel – in your wall
  • Put another hole, of the same size, on the side of a cardboard box
  • Ensure that you fill the box with a food-baited mouse trap, cover the box top with cellophane and guard it against the wall.
  • After one or two days, check to see if the bait has caught a mouse. In many cases, the first mouse is caught within a couple of hours.
  • Repeat this process until no mice are living in your wall.

However, there are certain preventive measures you can adopt that can control this kind of mouse infestation.

Some of these are introduced as follows:

  • Ensure that you seal off all the small holes that could serve as an entrance for mice to your home
  • Scrutinize your vents for droppings or gaps.
  • Cover these gaps appropriately to block these rodents from finding their way through.
  • This same procedure can be carried out for other gaps found on window frames, doorknobs, and rafters.

Once you’re sure that you have found a solution to this mouse problem, you can adopt the use of a ultrasonic repellent to keep them away.

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How Do You Remove Dead Mice from Your Walls?

Oftentimes, you might discover evidence of a mouse infestation, which could come down to your sharp sense of smell.

Even if you have not seen a mouse scurrying around in your house, the irritating stench of a dead mouse can raise your suspicion, signal the presence of a house mouse or serve as a harbinger of infestations that are yet to come.

However, leaving a dead mouse in your walls is not proper because this can attract fleas.

With a borescope, you can easily detect, for free, the whereabouts of a dead mouse by making a tiny coin-sized hole, some centimeters off the ground, and into the drywall where the stench is seemingly coming from.

If this does not bring a result, try another adjacent hole. Once you see a mouse’s corpse, you can drill a larger 6-inch by 9-inch hole in the wall to remove this mouse and then seal the wall once it is done.

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How long can Mice Live in Walls?

The average lifespan of a mouse is very hard to ascertain.

Generally, this varies from species to species.
Also, it depends on how young the mouse is before finding its way into the house.

Besides this, the living conditions mice are exposed to might actually play a significant role in how long they can live. It is often said that once a mouse gets too big inside an enclosed space, it finds its way out.

However, how long a mouse lives depends on the factors mentioned earlier.

On average, a mouse can survive for as long as two years in a house in perfect condition.

This highlights the significance of home conditions when considering the lifespan of mice in the wild – which is up to five to six months.

Also, many people often wonder how long mice in walls can live without food or water. Mice can survive for months without water within your walls.

However, without food sources, mice can only survive as long as a week or two.

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How do I get rid of mice in my house naturally?

If you look forward to getting rid of mice by natural means, why not just get a cat?
The great thing about having a cat in your home is that their presence will keep the mice away. This is a very effective way of keeping mouse infestation on a low since you allow nature to do the job for you.
If you consider this method, certain tips can help you select the ideal cats that can repel mice based on their qualities.

First, you must note that not every cat is a mouse chaser.

Usually, a form of a sign will indicate this. In a perfect situation, you should be able to find a kitty that has spent so much time outside and with the necessary skills on how to catch these pests.

Most times, you can talk to a professional and recommend a cat for you based on its background.

Also, if you wish to get a kitten, many shelters will have both the mother and its kittens up for adoption. Then, the mother can teach the kittens how to hunt. It is rumored that female cats are better mousers.

As already mentioned, it is important to note that there are lazy cats – just as there are lazy dogs and lazy people!

So, do not be surprised if you find out that some cats ignore mice, especially cats that have lived indoors for a long time.

Choosing the right cat will help in getting rid of mice from your home.

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There are all sorts of wall openings in many homes. These are often found around parts of the house, including utility pipes, cable networks, gas lines, and ductwork. All these rodents need is just a hole that can be as big as a dime.

Once mice find a way inside and discover warmth, shelter, safety, and food, it becomes an ideal place for hiding and nesting.

The presence of mice in your house might become harmful not only for your health but also for your convenience, and a great need might arise to get rid of these rodents.

As explained in the article, there are several ways to do this, including the natural means.

But the best ways we recommend is to use 360 Degree Ultrasonic Mouse Repellent will help you get rid of mice, rats, squirrels, and other pests quickly and effectively.

Well, once you can adhere strictly to most of the guidelines stated in this article, you are on the right path to maintaining a rodent-free home!

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