How long for mouse trap to work?

Hi all!
Wondering about the effectiveness of mouse traps? How long does it typically take for them to catch a mouse? Let’s share experiences!

It can vary. Sometimes it works overnight, and other times it takes a few days.

Make sure to use fresh bait and place it where you see mouse activity. That can speed things up.

A lot depends on the trap type and placement. With a good bait and trap setup, I’ve had success in under a day.

Peanut butter works wonders as bait. In my experience, it’s way more effective than cheese.

Does the type of mouse trap matter?

Absolutely, spring traps are often quicker, but electronic traps can also be very effective if you’re dealing with a larger infestation.

Agreed. I’ve found electronic traps to be more versatile because they can catch multiple mice without having to reset them.

I prefer humane traps. They might take a bit longer, but they allow you to release the mice if you’re not into killing them.

That’s a good point. However, for a quick fix, spring traps are often the go-to.

Why isn’t my mouse trap catching anything after a week?

Are you sure you have it placed correctly? Placement is key. Try different locations.

Check the bait. It might have gone stale. Fresh bait is crucial for effectiveness.

Also, consider using gloves when handling the traps and bait. Human scent can deter mice.

Adding a bit of vanilla extract to the peanut butter can make it more enticing for mice.