Effective Bait for Mouse Traps: What Works Best?

Hey everyone!
I’m trying to tackle a mouse problem in my garage and I’ve set up several traps. However, I’m not sure what type of bait works best to lure them in.

I’ve read that peanut butter is a classic choice, but I’ve also seen recommendations for cheese, seeds, and even dried fruit. Since I’m dealing with an older garage, I’m worried that the mice might be picky or not very motivated.

I’ve always had great luck with peanut butter! I think it’s the smell that really draws them in. I smear a bit on the trap so they have to work to get it.

Totally agree with you, LindaWild! I’ve tried cheese before, but it just doesn’t seem to attract them like peanut butter does. Plus, it doesn’t dry out as quickly.

I’ve found that sunflower seeds or even pumpkin seeds work surprisingly well too. Mice are often foraging, so they seem to love these!

I swear by cheese! I know it’s not a popular choice these days, but I had a time when it worked wonders for me. I used a strong cheese like cheddar, and it was like a mouse magnet.

That’s interesting, BugByte! I’ve never had much luck with it, but I wonder if the stronger scent makes a difference.

Maybe it depends on the type of mice in your area? Different species might have different preferences!

I had a weird experience where I used dried fruit, and it worked like a charm! I think the sugar attracts them. Just a thought if you want to try something different.

That’s a great idea! I might give it a go. How do you set the traps to make sure the bait stays in place?

I usually use a small piece of wire to tie it down. It prevents them from taking the bait without triggering the trap.

Has anyone considered using a mix of baits? Like combining some peanut butter with seeds? Might offer a stronger attraction!

That’s definitely worth a try, IHeartMice! I might experiment with that as my next tactic.

I love that idea! I’d be curious to see what the results are like.