Do yellow jackets return to the same nest every year?

Hey everyone, does anyone know if yellow jackets usually come back to use the same nests every year? I’ve got a nest in my shed that was buzzing last summer, and I’m wondering if I’ll get “visitors” again.

From what I know, yellow jackets don’t reuse nests. They build a new one each year. It’s the newly mated queens that overwinter and start new colonies in the spring.

Correct, BugBoi101! Once the cold weather comes around, the old nest is typically abandoned and won’t be used again.

Adding to that, the materials of the old nest often deteriorate over winter, making them unsuitable for new colonies. But do watch out for new nests in the same general area. Queens might like the spot your shed provides.

Just make sure you remove the old nest safely to avoid attracting new queens to the same location!

Yes, and remember, if you’re not comfortable removing it yourself, always seek professional help since yellow jackets can be pretty aggressive!

Actually, I’ve observed a nest in the same place for a couple of years. Could it be that they come back to the same spot or am I seeing something unusual?

I’d bet it’s different nests, HiveMindMaster. They’re very unlikely to reuse a nest, but they might build around the same area if it’s got everything they need.

Agreed. It’s more about the suitable location than the actual nest. If your spot is good, you might see this pattern repeating with new nests every year.