Can Cats Hear Ultrasonic Pest Repellers?

Hello all, has anyone used ultrasonic pest repellers around cats? Do you think cats can hear them?

Definitely. Cats have a wider range of hearing than us humans. I wouldn’t be surprised if they can hear those ultrasonic frequencies.

@CatWhiskerQuery I’ve read a few studies that suggest cats can hear up to around 65 kHz, and most ultrasonic pest repellers are within that range.

@PurrceptionPro P True, that’s why cats are so good at catching rodents – their hearing is adapted to hear high frequencies that rodents use to communicate.

But are they actually bothered by it? I might install one but don’t want to distress my little furball.

@WhiskerWidget I think it depends on the cat. Some might be more sensitive to it than others.

@EchoEars Also, not all ultrasonic pest repellers are made equal. Some might have settings to ensure they don’t bother pets.