Are humane mouse traps effective?

The mouse problem is always annoying. Do humane mouse traps work when it comes to preserving the environment?
Please leave any experience you have or share that might help others :innocent:

I’ve been using humane mouse traps for months now, and I think they work well if you check them frequently. It’s all about placement and bait.

I agree on the placement and bait, but I’ve had situations where the mice just don’t seem attracted to the traps.Any specific bait recommendations?

Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Oats or Cereal, Fruit or Seeds…I have tried all of these bait and I think the strong smell and high fat content of peanut butter and the natural sweetness of fruit will attract mice more…

Yes, the placement and bait of the mouse trap are very important for the successful capture of the mouse.

Humane traps work, but you have to release the mice far away, or they just come back.

Hi friend, thank you for your recommendation.
Unfortunately, I have used most bait, but there are still smart mice who do not fall for it. Maybe I should look for a better Bait… :frowning_face:

Smart stubborn mice are really annoying. Good luck!

I’ve found that humane traps work well when used in conjunction with other methods, like sealing up entry points and keeping food sealed away. That way, you’re not just relying on the trap alone to solve the problem.

I would choose to release mice at least 2 miles from home, they are very resilient and I also have to prevent them from coming back!

Yes, we have to find the right place to release them

This sounds like a good way to combine mouse trap with other methods to better control your mouse!