I’ve used bug zappers for flies and mosquitoes, but I haven’t had much luck with yellow jackets. They seem to ignore the zapper and go about their business.
From what I’ve read, yellow jackets are less attracted to light than mosquitoes, so a bug zapper might not be the most effective solution for them.
I’ve had mixed results. While a bug zapper might kill a few, I’ve found that yellow jackets tend to be more attracted to food and sugary drinks than the light.
Yellow jackets are more aggressive than other insects, so I don’t think bug zappers work as well for them. Traps specifically designed for yellow jackets are often more successful.
Has anyone tried using a bug zapper for yellow jackets in an enclosed space like a garage? I’m wondering if it’s more effective in areas where they can’t escape.
I’ve heard that yellow jackets are attracted to scents and pheromones, so it might be better to try a scent-based repellent alongside a zapper.
Bug zappers work for some types of bugs, but I think yellow jackets are more likely to be attracted to food sources. Have you tried placing a bait trap near the nest?
I’ve been battling yellow jackets in my yard, and unfortunately, I don’t think the bug zapper is cutting it. I’m considering calling in professional pest control.
I’ve read that bug zappers only tend to attract a limited range of insects. I’ve had better luck with traps that target yellow jackets specifically.
Yellow jackets are more active during the day, so I wonder if bug zappers that are designed for nighttime pests are less effective. Does anyone know of any daytime traps?